2020. 2. 22. 06:51ㆍ카테고리 없음
Fergus, un fost mercenar in razboiul din Irak, afla ca prietenul sau din copilarie pe nume Frankie a fost ucis in anul 2007 in Bagdad, pe drumul dintre aeroport si Green Zone, care este considerat unul dintre cele mai periculoase locuri din lume si a fost denumit Route Irish de catre soldatii straini. Refuzand sa accepte explicatia oficiala potrivit careia Frankie a fost omul nepotrivit la locul nepotrivit si suspectand ca moartea acestuia are legatura cu imaginile socante inregistrate pe telefonul lui celular, britanicul Fergus porneste o investigatie pe cont propriu pentru a afla adevarul. Pe telefonul mobil al lui Frankie exista o succesiune de imagini in care se observa cum un grup de soldati scapati de sub control ucid cu sange rece o familie de civili irakieni, in vreme ce posesorul telefonului priveste ingrozit scena, moment in care Fergus incepe sa banuiasca ca asa-zisul atac cu bomba in care si-a pierdut viata cel mai bun prieten al sau este o consecinta imediata a “pacatului” de a fi fost martorul ocular al acelui masacru sangeros. When a new airplane that’s equipped with a new computer that can fly the plane on its own, is about to have its first flight. But the son of the owner decides to upload more software, he doesn’t bother to check if there are any viruses with it. And he also invites some potential investors to try it. So the plane appears to be working well but suddenly it veers off course and it can’t be shut down.
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When the military learns of this and fears what if something happens if it’s over a populated area; decides to shoot it down along with everyone on board. The man who built the computer whose wife is among the passengers thinks if he can get on board he might be able to shut it down and regain control of the plane. So the military using a new plane gets him on board.
But what he didn’t know is that both pilots are incapacitated so there’s no one who can fly the plane.
Cel mai frumos serial urmarit vreodata de mine, o capodobera de telenovela argentiniana ce a rulat intre anii 2003-2004. Muzica de fundal- melodia principala din film 'Mi religion' cantata de Javier Calamaro! Actori: Osvaldo Laport-Amador Heredia Arnaldo Andre-Lazaro Heredia Juan Darthes-Josemi Heredia Julieta Diaz-Mora Amaya Romina Gaetani-Isa Salvatori Betiana Blum-Alba Soto de Salvatori Antonio Grimau-Jano Amaya Joaquin Furriel-Nino Amaya Malena Solda-Maite Heredia Luisina Brando-Amparo Soto Heredia Juan Palomino-Angel Amaya Valentina Bassi-Luz Amaya Laura Azccura-Maria Calleja.